A Reflection Over the Past Year
Every year comes with its ups and downs, but 2020 was one for the books. “Madness” is the best way to describe it…right? As the year mark of when COVID-19 struck the U.S approaches, let’s reflect a little bit on how it affected us at Creative Packaging.
Just entering our peak season last March, our existing gel packs/packaging orders were already sizeable. Then throw COVID-19 into the mix, our orders substantially increased, so to say we were overwhelmed was an understatement. While Creative Packaging is a leading cold chain manufacturer of protective packaging products and gel packs, we still weren’t exactly sure what would happen.
Yet, with this large demand for orders and deadlines, Creative Packaging stepped up to the plate and got it done. This transition wasn’t easy but our team on all levels at all locations showed flexibility, hard work, and the promise to deliver while still providing excellent customer service.
However, this pandemic did bring some positives. We were named an “essential business”, therefore we were able to provide job safety, we implemented new safety protocols, we were able to provide millions of packaging products to our customers, and allow our employees to work from the safety of their own home while still pushing orders out the door.
We don’t know much about 2021, but bring it on!